It’s late August, and I’m actually in love with writing right now. I’m tackling the first draft with enthusiasm and am really enjoying learning about these characters. Every night, I look forward to spending more time bringing this story to life.
I heard a podcast or read a book - I forget which - that said your characters will show you who they are. It feels like magic. Now, my writing can be totally crap. I have no way of knowing. It probably feels most likely that it’s amateurish, but ambitious. I think I’d be OK with that. We’ll see. At least the characters are speaking to me.
UPDATE: It’s early September, and the characters have told me that I was too lazy or too eager with my outline.
“How did you not realize you tried to leap into the second act pretty much after your inciting incident? SLOW DOWN there, bruh. No one’s going to get upset if you give them a chance to know us a little, right? Maybe discover what we’re like - what our weaknesses are?”
Yeah, I guess. I think I was afraid that I needed to keep the action going. I only realized later how I could do better at pacing my story. Then I found the *real* problem was the outline.
I don’t think I’m buying into this notion that you write to find your story. At least not with the script itself. I think I needed to spend a LOT more time on my outline.
“Well, these are the things you only learn by doing.”
You sure about that?
“Not sure. That’s what I read, anyway.”